Final Exam Post

Final Exam Post

Blogging can be a fun outlet to express your thoughts. Because blogs are protected by the First Amendment, it is sort of free of consequences. I mean if hate speech is protected I think my blogs about things I'm doing during quarantine and the First Amendment posts will be protected too. Over the course of the semester, I have had the opportunity to share my thought on an array of topics. I enjoy blogging. Besides my picture and what I tell you, you basically have no idea who I am as a person. The only way you'll get to know me is through the words I write so based on that, you have to come to a conclusion whether or not you like me. Which I think is kind of cool. As a blogger, I have control. Blogging has definitely changed mass communication. Blogging is more so opinion-based. Because blogs are largely based on opinion, blogging can be an excellent way to see the public's views on certain issues. Blogging can be used as outreach. Although there can be some facts to what bloggers post, blogs mainly take form in the opinion of the writer. If the reader doesn't like the opinion of one blog, they can find another they agree with. I think the idea of picking and choosing what information we want to hold as valid has become a staple in this country. If viewers think a news show is leaning too far left or too far right, they find a station that more aligns with their viewpoints. Very rarely do people want to hear the "other side" when discussing hot button issues. When you're only getting news from outlets that agree with you, it can be bad. You aren't broadening your outlook, you're narrowing it. A lot of people, our "president" in particular only like the news that favors their opinion. Being surrounded by people who only agree with you and don't challenge you, there is no growth. This idea of being surrounded by yes men remind me of my Spiral of Silence post and the dangers of that. Overall, I think blogging is a fun way to express your opinions but it definitely highlights some of the issues with news and credibility the media faces today.


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